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[a garder] - texte training module system



Nalys Gent

This Docker Fundamentals module is divided into 3 evening sessions, that will take place in Gent on the 25/03, 01/04 and 8/04.

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[a garder] - texte training module system
[a garder] - texte training module system

Time and Location


Nalys Gent, Kerkstraat 108, 9050 Gent, Belgique

About the event

The following training module on Docker Fundamentals will get you launched to an intermediary level to use Docker and containers in practice. 

*Please read the information below, before registering*

*A registration to this event gives you access to the entire "Docker Fundamentals" module and engages you to follow all 3 evening sessions.*

Training Sessions Overview

  • Overview of the foundational concepts and practices of container technologies.
  • These training sessions offer you to learn the basic concepts to get started in future more complex container workflows.
  • Strong emphasis on the Docker engine, an industry-leading container toolkit.
  • Focus on current best practices informed by engineers with extensive field experience.
  • Extensive hands-on labs, enterprise-focused scenarios, and practical examples.
  • You will learn the skills to integrate containers in the daily workflow of any ICT related process, e.g. CI/CD and build environments in software integration, e.g. distributed applications in web development teams and e.g. orchestration of containers and scaling workloads in IT departments.

Who can attend?

  • Developers, integrators, testers, and architects desiring a strong foundation in container technologies and an introductory hands-on experience building, shipping, and running Docker containers.


  • Philippe MARIMAN - Lead Consultant in Embedded Systems

When and where? 

     Evening Session 1 - Wednesday 25/03 

  •      Introduction to Linux and container technologies
  •      Introducing Docker
  •      Containers and images
  •      Creating and running containers
  •      Creating images
  •      Docker Volumes

   Evening Session 2 - Wednesday 01/04

  •      Docker Networking Basics
  •      Container registries
  •      Docker-compose
  •      Start final big lab exercise

  Evening Session 3 - Wednesday 08/04

  •      Docker alternatives and why
  •      Some Docker internal technologies
  •      Orchestration of containers
  •      Finish final big lab exercise 

Requirements from Participants 

  • If you register for this event, you are engaged to follow all the 3 evening sessions. 
  • Please bring a laptop with Linux pre-installed natively
  • Ideally, the latest ( 18.09 or 19.03 ) Docker is pre-installed (guides for common Linux distributions are easily found online)

Important: The number of seats is limited. Please be sure you can attend the 3 sessions before registering. If you registered and notice that you are unable to attend the event, please contact us in advance to free a seat for another participant: cc 

Notice: Depending on the number of registrations and the number of participants on the waiting list, another session might be organized at the same time in Ghent or another time in Brussels. In that case, you will be contacted to be informed about the organization.


  • Register for all 3 sessions

    This registration is an engagement to follow all 3 sessions of the Docker Fundamentals training module in Gent. Session dates : 25/03, 01/04 & 08/04 from 6 to 9 p.m. Important: The number of seats is limited. Please be sure you can attend the 3 sessions before registering.

    Sale ended
  • Waiting list

    If no more seats are available for the current module, you can register to the waiting list. Depending on the demand, another session will be opened in Gent at the same moment, or in Brussels on another date. Feel free to contact us for more infomation: cc

    Sale ended



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